Event Details
Welcome to Supply Chain Resilience & Sustainability (SCRS) Conference & Awards Gala Dinner 2024
欢迎来到供应链弹性和可持续性 (SCRS) 2024 年会及颁奖晚宴
Most Anticipated & Impactful Two-Day Supply Chain Conference and Well-Respected Industry Awards Ceremony in Asia Pacific
Attracting over 350 industry professionals each year, the Supply Chain Resilience & Sustainability (SCRS) Conference is the most anticipated conference event of the year where supply chain leaders converge to delve deep into the strategies, technologies, and practices essential for creating resilient and sustainable supply chains in an ever-evolving global landscape.
供应链弹性与可持续发展 (SCRS) 会议每年都会吸引超过 350 名行业专业人士参加,是年度最受期待的会议活动,供应链领导者齐聚一堂,深入探讨创建弹性和可持续供应所必需的战略、技术和实践 不断变化的全球格局中的连锁店。
NextGen Supply Chains: Resilience & Brand Protection
This year, SCRS Conference will also mark the launch of the TAPA APAC's Brand Protection Initiative with the end-goal of launching the TAPA Brand Protection Standard (BPS), a framework for ensuring the protection of brands across the entire supply chain, from manufacturing to distribution and beyond. BPS sets forth comprehensive guidelines and best practices aimed at safeguarding products, assets, and intellectual property against various threats such as theft, counterfeiting, and tampering, enhancing resilience while also bolstering consumer trust and confidence in their brands.
今年,SCRS 会议将标志着 TAPA APAC 品牌保护计划的启动,最终目标是推出 TAPA 品牌保护标准 (BPS),这是一个确保整个供应链(从制造到销售)品牌保护的框架。 分布及其他。 BPS 制定了全面的指南和最佳实践,旨在保护产品、资产和知识产权免受盗窃、伪造和篡改等各种威胁,增强抵御能力,同时增强消费者对其品牌的信任和信心。
We invite you to join us for this enriching and transformative event to explore the latest trends, developments, challenges, and groundbreaking solutions. Over two dynamic days, you will engage and learn from enlightening keynote addresses, thought-provoking panel discussions, surprise collaborative activities, experiential showcase exhibition, and invaluable networking opportunities.
我们邀请您加入我们这一丰富而变革的活动,探索最新的趋势、发展、挑战和突破性的解决方案。 在充满活力的两天里,您将参与并从启发性的主题演讲、发人深省的小组讨论、令人惊喜的协作活动、体验式展示展览和宝贵的交流机会中学习。
Download the Conference & Awards Information Deck (Click on the images below)
*Please note that all agenda, programme and details for SCRS Conference and Awards are subject to change and at the sole discretion of TAPA APAC.
Tickets 门票

TAPA APAC Members Conference Entitlement 会员权利
For TAPA APAC Members, the number of entitled delegate slots is based on your membership category. Each entitlement seat includes both conference and awards gala dinner access.
对于 TAPA APAC 会员,有权代表名额的数量取决于您的会员类别。每个座位均享有会议和颁奖晚宴的使用权。
Under the New 2024 Membership Subscription: 根据新的 2024 年会员订阅:
- Corporate Full (CF): 4 complimentary seats 畅享版 (CF):4 个免费席位
- Corporate Lite (CL): 2 complimentary seats 轻享版 (CL):2 个免费席位
- Enterprise (E): 10 complimentary seats 企业版 (E):10 个免费席位
- Independent Audit Body Cluster (IAB-C): 10 complimentary seats 独立审计机构集群 (IAB-C):10 个免费席位
- Independent Audit Body (IAB): 3 complimentary seats 独立审计机构 (IAB):3 个免费席位
Under the Previous 2023 Membership Subscription: 根据之前的 2023 年会员订阅:
- Corporate Full (CF): 3 complimentary seats 畅享版 (CF):3 个免费席位
- Corporate Lite (CL): 1 complimentary seats 轻享版 (CL):1 个免费席位
- Security Service Providers (SSP): 3 complimentary seats 安全服务供应商 (SSP):3 个免费席位
- Independent Audit Body (IAB): 3 complimentary seats 独立审计机构 (IAB):3 个免费席位
Any additional delegate slot will be chargeable at USD 199 per person. You may purchase the ticket type: <TAPA APAC Member Ticket - Additional after Entitlement is Utilized>
任何额外代表席位的收费为每人 199 美元。 您可以追加的门票类型:<TAPA APAC会员票 - 权利用尽后的额外座位>
Getting There 方向指南
New Bund Center, 3rd Floor Convention Center 前滩中心,三楼会议中心
555 West Haiyang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China 上海市浦东新区海阳西路555号
Nearest Metro Station: Oriental Sports Centre Station, where metro lines 6, 8 and 11 converge.
东方体育中心地铁站, 地铁6、8、11号线在此交汇。

Hotel Accommodation 酒店住宿
Artyzen Habitat Qiantan Shanghai 上海前滩雅辰悦居酒店
596 West Yangsi Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China, 200126
中国上海浦东杨泗西路596号, 200126
Tel 电话: +86 21 5027 8888
Website 网站: www.artyzen.com/en/hotels/artyzen-habitat-qiantan-shanghai
Distance to SCRS Venue: 7 mins
Special Rate for SCRS Delegates (Contact TAPA APAC for bookings): RMB 720 nett per room per night (Include 1 breakfast, Habitat King Room) Additional breakfast at RMB100 nett per pax.
Shangri-La Qiantan, Shanghai 上海前滩香格里拉大酒店
551 West Hai Yang Road, Pudong, Shanghai, China, 200124
海洋西路551号, 浦东新区, 上海, 中国, 200124
Tel 电话: +86 21 5030 8888
Website 网站: https://www.shangri-la.com/en/shanghai/qiantanshangrila/
Distance to SCRS Venue: 2 mins
China VISA Application 中国签证申请
We recommend that you apply for tourist visa for ease and speed of application and approval. If you are an APEC card holder, visa is exempted.
以方便快速地申请和批准,我们建议您申请旅游签证。 如果您是APEC卡持有者,可以免签证。
Please visit this link and select your country of origin accordingly as each country has varying form and documentation requirements 请访问此链接并相应选择您的原籍国,因为每个国家/地区都有不同的表格和文件要求: https://www.visaforchina.cn/globle/
In general, you are required to submit the following for tourist visa. Note that it will vary from country to country. 一般来说,申请旅游签证需要提交以下材料。 请注意,它会因国家/地区而异。
- Passport with at least 6 months validity 护照有效期至少6个月
- Visa application form 签证申请表
- Two recent passport-sized photos 两张近期护照尺寸照片
- Documents showing the itinerary including air ticket booking record (round trip) and proof of a hotel reservation, etc. 行程证明文件,包括机票预订记录(往返)、酒店预订证明等。
Should you prefer to apply for business visa using an official SCRS Invitation Letter, kindly provide us with the following details. 如果您希望使用 SCRS 官方邀请函申请商务签证,请向我们提供以下详细信息。
- Full name as reflected in Passport (with salutation) 护照中反映的全名(带称呼):
- Job Title 职称:
- Company Entity Name 公司实体名称:
- Date of birth 出生日期:
- Passport number 护照号码:
Enquiries 查询
- For General enquiries, please email to 对于查询,请发送电子邮件至 info@tapa-apac.org.
- To be speaker or partner, please email to 如需成为演讲者或合作伙伴,请发送电子邮件至 samantha.tiong@tapa-apac.org.
TAPA APAC Annual General Meeting 年度股东大会
For valid TAPA APAC members only 仅限有效的 TAPA APAC 会员
Please click here to register your attendance - In-person or online. 请点击此处注册您的出席 - 现场或在线。
TAPA Standards Face-to-Face 2-Day Training
TAPA 标准面对面2天现场培训
27th - 28th June 6月27日至28日
0900 - 1700 GMT+8 上午9点至下午5点
3F, Unit No. 5, The New Bund World Trade Center (Building B), Lane 255 Dongyu Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200126, China 3楼, 5号, 新外滩世贸中心(B座),浦东新区东育255路,上海市200126, 中国
In-person training are provided at an additional fee per seat (TAPA APAC membership training entitlement is only for the Learning Management System (LMS) platform). 现场培训按席位收取额外费用(TAPA APAC 会员培训权利仅适用于 网上培训系统 LMS 平台。)
Enjoy Member/Non-Member Early-bird Special Discount for TAPA Standards Training when you register for SCRS Conference 2024!