Registration Period : 14 May 2024 - 2 June2024
LMS Training Period : 10 June 2024 - 9 July 2024
All TAPA APAC training will be conducted on our newly launched Learning Management System (LMS), a powerful platform designed to enhance your learning of TAPA Standards which enhances your supply chain operations' resilience and sustainability. Now. you will have convenient access to a wide range of training modules, resources, and interactive learning experiences at your own time and pace.
How to Register for LMS Training (TO BE DONE ONLY BY THE PMR)
All registrations for Training via the LMS platform are facilitated through the Primary Management Representative (PMR) of the Member Company who is the one point contact for TAPA APAC. All entries are to be filled in English only
Level of Training
For participants who are responsible to Audit, from management perspective, as well as maintain TAPA Program from operations perspective with a role covering Operations, Implementation, Monitoring, Performance Management and Auditing. This a Full Course which includes Standard Technical modules as well as Authorised Auditor modules.
For those participants who are responsible only for Operations, Implementation, Monitoring, Performance Management of TAPA Standard. Upon completion of this course the person will be awarded a certificate for Standard Technical.
This is not an Authorised Auditor course and the qualified person is not an Authorised Auditor but technically qualified to implement, run and maintain TAPA Standard in the operations.
These are for those participants who have already completed the ST training earlier and now embark to become Authorised Auditor from management perspective. The AA course can be registered only if the person has pre-qualified in ST. Upon completion of this course the person will be awarded an AA certificate for the TAPA Standard that allows the individual to perform Audit.
Terms & Conditions