
网络研讨会详细节 / Details

请加入我们讨论供应链必要的下一步 – 如何使用数据智能来评估道路运输和货运路线风险。随着物流服务提供商的更改和适应新路线,供应链在公路运输安全上面临新的漏洞和挑战。使用经过验证的方法和货运犯罪事件数据智能来识别潜在风险至关重要。

G4S Telematix 开发了一种计算供应链道路运输过程中风险的评估方法。除了概念本身之外,这种方法还需要一个数据集作为数据输入,应对其进行处理以产生有效的输出。公路运输货物安全风险评估需要具有三个基本特征:实际,一致和客观。

TAPA Incident Information Service (IIS) 数据集为该方法提供了准确可靠的数据,其使用产生了有价值的风险评估结果,因为它们既解决了事件本身又具有高水平的情报,例如位置,操作方式,产品类别,损失价值等,路线规划工具(SPOT:安全停车在线工具)结合使用,与包括认证停车处的​​位置。

在此网络研讨会中,专家们将分享亚太地区和欧洲当前的道路运输安全形势,最新见解,近期货物犯罪案例研究,COVID-19的新兴风险以及通过 TAPA IIS 数据智能解决这些风险的行之有效的方法。

Join us for an essential discussion on the next steps in assessing risks in supply chain road transportation and cargo route. As logistic service providers change and adapt to new routes, companies now face new vulnerabilities and challenges in securing their cargo. Now, it is crucial for us to identify potential risks with proven methodologies and cargo crime incident data.

G4S Telematix has developed a methodology for the assessment of risk during Supply Chain road transportations. This methodology, apart from the concept itself, it requires a dataset as input that shall be processed to produce a valid output. The road transportation cargo security risk assessment needs to have three basic characteristics: to be realistic, consistent, and objective.


The TAPA Incident Information Service IIS dataset provides accurate and reliable information for this methodology and its use produce valuable risk assessment outcomes, as they address both the incidents themselves accompanied with high level intelligence, as location, modus operandi, category of products, value of losses, etc., combined with a route planning tool (SPOT: Secure Parking Online Tool) including the incidents and of top, the locations of secure/certified parking places.

In this webinar, experts will share current road transportation security landscape across Asia Pacific and Europe, latest insights, case studies of recent cargo crime, emerging risks from COVID-19 and the proven methodology to address these risks with TAPA IIS data intelligence.

网络研讨会亮点 / Highlights of the Webinar

  • 当前亚太地区,欧洲,中东和非洲的道路运输安全形势 Current road transportation security landscape across Asia Pacific, Europe, Middle East & Africa
  • COVID-19 和 COVID 后对货物犯罪的展望带来的风险 Risks arising from COVID-19 and Post-COVID outlook on cargo crime
  • 关于近期货运犯罪的案例研究 Case studies on recent cargo crime
  • 如何使用TAPA事件信息服务(IIS)数据库使用G4S风险评估方法评估货运路线风险 How to assess cargo route risks with G4S Risk Assessment Methodology using TAPA Incident Information Service (IIS) Database
  • 与IIS协作共享数据以应对不断变化的现实的最佳实践 Best practices on collaborative data-sharing with IIS to address changing realities

入场费 / Tickets

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演讲者 / Speakers

  • Pana Laimos (欧洲安全运营高级总监 Senior Director, G4S Telematix Secure Operations Europe of G4S Telematix)

    Pana Laimos

    欧洲安全运营高级总监 Senior Director, G4S Telematix Secure Operations Europe of G4S Telematix


    Pana Laimos 在中欧,南欧,中东和北非担任G4S的多个总监职位,并为泛欧运营提供供应链安全服务。受欧洲委员会邀请,Pana参加了专家委员会,该委员会支持欧盟传播和部署最近发布的正式的《欧盟安全停车规则》。在任职期间,他主要负责针对高价值盗窃的目标货物供应链,包括仓储和运输/分销。他还参与了许多高价值货物损失调查,并支持组织解决实际案例并根据汲取的经验教训制定缓解措施。与他的团队一起,他们被认为是高价值供应链安全领域的公认权威,并获得了多个奖项。在过去的十年中,他们致力于道路运输安全风险评估,并且他们已经开发出一种相对的方法来支持制造商,3PL和承运人识别残留的安全风险并采取适当的措施进行管理。 Pana 还是 TAPA EMEA 培训师和审计师。

    Pana Laimos holds several Director positions for G4S in Central & Southern Europe, Middle East and North Africa as well as the Delivery of Supply Chain Security Services for pan-European Operations. Invited by the European Commission, Pana participates in the experts committee that support the European Union in the dissemination and deployment of the recently released officially EU Safe and Secure Parking standard. During his assignments he was mostly responsible for High Value Theft Targeted Cargo Supply Chain, including warehousing and transportation/distribution. He has also been involved in numerous High Value Cargo Loss investigations and supported organizations in solving actual cases and develop mitigation measures based on lessons learned. With his team, they are considered a recognized authority in the field of High Value Supply Chain Security with multiple awards. For the last 10 years they are working on Road Transportation Security Risk Assessment and they have developed a relative methodology that supports manufacturers, 3PLs and carriers to recognize the residual security risk and take appropriate measures to manage it. Pana is also a TAPA EMEA trainer and auditor.

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  • Keven Liang (董事会成员 Board Member at TAPA亚太)

    Keven Liang

    董事会成员 Board Member at TAPA亚太


    Keven 是 HP Inc. 的供应链安全经理,HP Inc.是一家全球性技术公司,为企业和家庭提供计算系统和服务解决方案。 Keven 还是TAPA亚太地区的董事会成员和事件信息服务 (IIS) 工作委员会。 与 IIS 团队一起,Keven参与了许多项目,以分析货物犯罪事件的统计数据和趋势。 Keven 在担任 HP Inc. 职位之前在 DHL 有七年的经验。

    Keven is the Supply Chain Security Manager for HP Inc., a global technology company that provides computing systems and service solutions for business and home. Keven is also the Board Member and Incident Information Service (IIS) Working Committee of TAPA Asia Pacific. With the IIS team, Keven has worked on many projects to analyze cargo crime incident statistics and trends. Keven has 7 years of experience in DHL prior to his current position in HP Inc.

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  • PatyAlexaki (翻译者/Translator) (Business Development Manager at Anastassiadis Group)

    PatyAlexaki (翻译者/Translator)

    Business Development Manager at Anastassiadis Group


    Paty is familiar with Chinese Market and culture since has studied 2 years in Beijing. She has also attended many forums as a speaker in China, representing Anastassiadis Group and Greek Market. Prior to hers current position, she has an experience of 9.5 years in G4S Group, dealing with Supply Chain Security.

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